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Make Money via Your Twitter is an advertising program. You can advertise and earn money just from your twitters. 


For the twitter user, when you sign up with the ChurpChurp and allow them to post the advertise, then you earn money. ChurpChurp is not affiliated with Twitter. So now what you have to do is sign up with 3 easy steps to start earn money:
  1. Sign up with ChurpChurp
  2. Approve access to so that they can post tweets to your account
  3. Choose your location and settings for the max ad ratio according to your preference

There are two types of advertising or they called it churps or click here to see how it works

  • User-Generated Churps - You will be notified via e-mail of a new campaign and given a brief to compose your Twitter posts in any way you want. These Churps will earn you more than automated Churps so get creative! Do note that your written churps may be subject to a vetting process, which means your earnings may be delayed. After 5 successful churps, it will "pre-approve" your account so that your earnings get credited faster.

  • Auto Churps - Basically you will get a generated tweet posted on your Twitter according to your Twitter content. These tweets will be listed out for you in advance, so you may choose to approve or reject them. If no decision is made within a certain time frame, however, the tweet will go out automatically.

For your information, for now, ChurpChurp is open for registration for Twitterers from Malaysia and Singapore only. So for Malaysia and Singapore Twitterer, take this opportunities now! A minimum earning of RM100 / SGD100 is required before you can cash out your earnings.

Click here to sign up now for free

*If you interested in being  one of the advertiser, please feel free to read the FAQ here.


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I Love Blogging and Graphic Design. And now I am studying in Computer Engineering. I If you would like to be guest post, please feel free to contact me.


  1. dah add link, tak tau mana nak tinggalkan jejak..
